Anthropolis Egyesület
Anthropolis Association


Anthropolis is a non-governmental, non-political, public benefit association, founded in 2002. Anthropolis is an institute for cultural and visual anthropological research and social development. Our organisation intends to strengthen institutional background of education and social and visual anthropological research. The aim of Anthropolis is to ensure a worldwide reputation of applied anthropology and promote participatory approach in management of recent social problems. We encourage development activity on local levels both in urban and rural areas, especially in the countries of the former communist block. One of our main goals is to give birth to international workshops and open forums in order to help and support discussion, network building between Hungarian and other international anthropological associations and institutions. Anthropolis is a member of TRIALOG and HAND (Non-Governmental Development Platform, Hungary) and has been produced several documentary movies since 2004, as well.


Név:Anthropolis EgyesületCégvezető:


Gyártó: Harmadik generáció Mesterek köszöntése Willkommen Néma bölcsők Forgalmazó: Harmadik generáció Mesterek köszöntése Néma bölcsők

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