Osama Bin Everywhere - The Many Faces Of The Islamic World (60') Khan Masood 2000-0000

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Following two intrepid explorers on a mad mission of blood, sweat and tears as they attempt to discover the sunnier side of Islam. Armed with just a video camera and a laptop, junior doctor Farrah Jarral and filmmaker Masood Khan travel across the Muslim world in search of people who share the name Osama, finding out about their lives and asking each one ‘What do you Love?’ Featuring over 100 Osamas including Cairo’s answer to Gordon Ramsey and the Qur’an reciting soccer superstar they call ‘The Saviour’, Osama Bin Everywhere is a light hearted look at 21st Century Islam providing a unique insight into the everyday life, culture and belief of the people they meet along the way. A pioneering cross-platform travelogue, viewers tracked Farrah and Masood’s progress via a series of daily updated blogs, images and video posts on the Osama Loves website (www.osamaloves.com). As well as offering travel tips and advice, recommending places to sleep and eat and not to be missed cultural experiences the web community also helped Farrah and Masood find some very special Osamas. A filmhez még nem történt hozzászólás.

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Eredeti cím:Osama Bin Everywhere - The Many Faces Of The Islamic WorldAngol cím:Osama Bin Everywhere - The Many Faces Of The Islamic World

Gyártási adatok:

Gyártó ország:Gyártás ideje:2000-0000Film hossza:60 perc


Rendező: Khan Masood


Típus:nem-fikciós filmForma:dokumentumfilm

doc_hun_configuration Támogató Partnerünk Magnet Bank - Magyar Közösségi Bank
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